Alayna Carlock

Alayna Carlock

Alayna Carlock is a junior English literature and French double major. Though she was born in North Carolina, she grew up in different places throughout the Middle East. She enjoys reading, listening to music, and will almost always have a chai latte in hand.

 Alumni, Locals Walk In Solidarity with Gaza

A group of alumni, students and locals, along with other groups around the world, walked 25 miles over
At one of the women’s conferences, a collaboration between six different student groups had attendants learning, dancing and…
To grab a bit of extra cash, students offer up their crafty skills. …
In an effort to reduce salt flows into local water systems and plant life, the college’s facilities staff…
Spotlights on a few of the artists presenting their work at this semester’s student art fair….
With the new 4-hour vigil, the student chaplains hope to create an inviting space for students through multiple…
IM teams at Wheaton must have at least two women to balance their numbers. …
On their usual summer excavation trip, a team of international scholars led by a Wheaton professor dug up…
For this student artist, embroidery is a business, a creative outlet and a spiritual discipline….
Volunteers have been visiting incarcerated young people every Thursday since August….

This year’s race is more competitive than the last few years as accessibility, advocacy and school spirit take…

Wheaton is one of two institutions to receive a geology endowment from the late Richard House. The Wheaton…