Orli Strickman

Orli Strickman

Orli Strickman is a freshman biology major from New York City. She enjoys reading, cooking and spending time outdoors.

Junior Addison Ream Wins Hatfield Prize for Research

Ream’s research focuses on food insecurity and the theology behind public advocacy work.
The club makes its return with a new coach and captain….
Amid an academic culture growing more concerned about AI, guest speakers spoke at Wheaton about areas Christians in…
Wheaton College’s Concert Choir finished an East Coast tour of Handel’s “Messiah” with a sold-out performance on campus….
MuKappa’s annual fundraiser involves players eliminating “targets” by hitting them with a pool noodle. …
Wheaton’s student sports commentators stay at the top of their game to help viewers understand and enjoy Thunder…
The new coursework for first-year students will include a one-credit course required for graduation with more subject material…
Members of Wheaton’s biblical and theological studies department spent a week in Texas, talking about their research. …
The discrepancy between the gender ratios might be due to changing demographics of college transfers nationwide. …