Coltrane Curry

Coltrane Curry

Coltrane Curry is a senior Spanish and English double major. From Wichita, Kan., he enjoys making music, playing baseball, and baking with his mother.

All That Jazz: A Tale of Two Jazz Clubs in Chicago, and Which to Choose

Andy’s or the Green Mill? For 75 years, the two jazz clubs have battled for Chicago’s number one
When they’re not teaching in Blanchard Hall or Memorial Student Center, these professors spend their summers by the…
If you’re leaving for break, get on the aux cord. Here’s the perfect playlist….
In Drawing II, students work with semi-nude models, studying figure drawing. Some students critique the clothing regulation. …
Got a case of the autumn blues? We’ve got just the thing. As we enter into seasonal limbo,…
For a decade, a Wheaton professor has been taking his students to the zoo to learn foundational processes…
It’s not just a Wheaton cliche: data shows that spring is the most popular time for campus engagements….
The grass withers, the flower fades, but the drip is eternal. Here are the fashion trends Wheaties are…
Last spring, a few Wheaton students studying abroad in Italy and Spain captured moments of their time in…
Recent album release “Manna, Pt. 1” by Chris Renzema, one of Christian music’s most innovative artists, begins a…

With mopeds, students have found a trendy new way to get to class Perhaps you’ve seen them streaking…

Most students use dorm kitchens for late-night ramen making or the occasional batch of cookies, but one Wheaton…

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