Bella McDonald

Bella McDonald

By way of Des Moines, Iowa, Bella McDonald is a senior business/economics major on the journalism certificate track. She enjoys writing poetry, collecting vintage magazine covers, and finding new (and old) books to read.

Sassy Biscuits Is Sweet, Savory and, Yes, Sassy

Downtown Wheaton’s newest restaurant serves quick bites at student-friendly prices.
The discontinuation of the wellness class on campus due to budget cuts marks the end of required general…
On Feb. 28, Les Barker led a discussion in Lower Beamer about the longstanding evolutionism and creationism debate,…
There has been a small uptick in COVID-19 cases at Wheaton, but students and SHS say they’re less…
The former Conservatory building is now a renovated, permanent home for the Modern and Classical Languages Department. …

The college’s top-ranking athletes close out their fall season with placement on the all-conference team. Last semester, 23…

Town mayor signed the proclamation to honor the ensemble’s 35th anniversary. In a city council meeting on Nov….

The White House “scribe” and Wheaton alumnus left a lasting mark on the conservative movement. After an eleven…

Two months into an endemic response, the pandemic is still affecting student life on campus, albeit more quietly…

Due to equipment delays and menu preparation, the Stupe pushed back reopening to Oct. 16. The Stupe is…

Students are helping each other navigate life on campus. Last school year, then-senior Kendra Paez ’22 founded Presence,…

With a new club, Wheaton’s climbers create a community that goes beyond traditional workouts. Located in Chrouser’s Eckert…

Students find comfort at Wheaton’s local open-air market. Every Saturday in the summer and fall months, Wheaton students,…