Helen Huiskes

Helen Huiskes

Helen Huiskes is a senior English Writing major with a minor in International Relations. A native of Portland, Ore., she enjoys learning languages, pasta and over-analyzing TV shows.

Captain of the Flagship, Battered on All Sides

Fourteen years into his role as president of Wheaton College, Philip Ryken is getting used to criticism.
The memorial was the first public, collective acknowledgement by Wheaton students or faculty of the casualties of the…
Their path to Wheaton looks a little different, but these students still find ways to thrive….
A former White House staffer, Wear encouraged young Christians to look to their faith for answers about political…
For decades, cohorts of Wheaton students have spent each semester living and learning in downtown Chicago. They’ve…
Unsigned memes and comments have a recent history of causing problems at Wheaton. …
Larger class sizes, less frequent upper-division course offerings and changes to requirements will be the primary results of…
War in the Middle East has sparked security concerns for the college’s semester program….
In front of a crowd in Edman Chapel, the three Christian authors read from their new books and…
A conversation with former White House speechwriter and political columnist Peter Wehner as he prepares to speak at…
In the wake of campus-wide budget cuts, departments are negotiating how to run programs with fewer faculty and…
An email and a town hall finalized the college’s downsizing efforts, which have been anticipated since the beginning…